Spring Cleaning Tips for a Pest Free Home

Can you believe it’s already time for spring cleaning once again? Unfortunately, the warmer spring weather that we all love also leads to more pest-related activity in and out of your home. Pest control in Tampa, Florida during the spring season is a primary concern for homeowners, as infestations can get out of hand during this time. Local weather and temperatures make Tampa a haven for pests, but this doesn’t mean that your home has to be too. Here are a few spring cleaning tips that can help you keep unwelcome pests from darkening your door.

Eliminate Pests from Hiding Places Like Basements, Garages, and Attics

One of the first tasks on your spring cleaning checklist should be cleaning out your basement, garage, and attic. Since you probably don’t spend a lot of time in these areas, you may not have noticed the first signs of winter pests hiding out, such as rodent droppings or spider webs.  You’ll want to go through any and all stored items in these areas and check for signs of an infestation. You’ll also want to eliminate cardboard boxes and stacks of papers from these areas because these items make the perfect hiding places for pests. Instead, put everything that you need stored in airtight containers that pests will not able to infiltrate.

Super-clean Your Kitchen Area to Eliminate Problem Pests from Your Home

Your kitchen is another ideal place to focus your energy on if you want to rid yourself of bugs. When pests enter your home they are looking for food, water, and warmth. Your kitchen has all of these resources in one convenient area. You’ll want to pull out your stove, refrigerator, and other appliances to give them a good scrubbing. Pay special attention to built-up grease and food debris as these are very attractive to bugs (free food!). Finally, check your shelves and pantry for open boxes and crumbs. Store loose food such as baking items and snacks in airtight containers so that pests can’t get to them easily. Wiping down these areas will also help you ward off unwelcome pests.

Reinforce Windows and Doors to Prevent Pests from Gaining Entry

This may seem like an obvious one, but pests often gain entry into your home through windows and doors. Tears and holes in windows and door screens are the perfect entry points for these unwelcome guests. Cracks under doors are also a popular method of entry. During your spring cleaning routine, be on the lookout for areas that pests can use to access your home. Seal cracks, gaps, and holes by using caulk or stripping.

Unfortunately, a thorough spring cleaning may not be enough to eradicate pests from your home. A particularly bad infestation may require professional assistance. When it comes to pest control in Tampa, FL, Your Green Team can help. We have years of experience in helping area homeowners get rid of problem pests. We use perimeter pest treatments to fortify the outside of your home so that pests don’t ever get the opportunity to get in!